Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sweet Springs: Concept Images & Sketches

This is it.  The one page I spent many hours Pinteresting (new verb!) yesterday in studio.  By the way--it seems I broke the search tool of Pinterest, seeing as last night it started malfunctioning, and this morning I awoke to a Pinterest tweet saying they were fixing the search.  This makes my life difficult... good thing I did my concept image board yesterday!

I'm envisioning a light, airy space that optimizes every opportunity for natural light.  The building only has windows on the north side.  The sun doesn't directly come into these windows regularly, so taking every opportunity to ligthen the space is essential.  Light finishes:  white-washed, reclaimed woods, white paints, pastels, with a lot of texture to contradict the white space.  Fun, refreshing, and relaxing, a bright oasis in the middle of the rolling West Virginia hills.

Speaking of these West Virginia hills... I started sketching and playing around with the idea of a waved ceiling, which actually turned out to look as though it was mimicking the hills/mountains surrounding the campus.

This is what I actually love about this project--I am familiar with the climate.  I know how the scenery looks, I've lived in it for almost six years now.  I'm aware of the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere and wanting something beautiful of which to be a part.  It's almost like Dirty Dancing, when they're in the middle of nowhere (actually filmed not too far from our Blacksburg campus, but supposed to take place in the Catskills, NY) and at a lovely resort.  Yes, I just referenced Dirty Dancing in a design blog.

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