Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eight Bursts of Design

So, naturally, I've probably been searching through images for inspiration all day, and came across a lot of design food.  Design food.  I just made that up.  If it's not obvious enough--design food is imagery that I need in order to feed my imagination and get my wheels turning when introduced to a new project.

On top of the current project of Sweet Springs, WV for school, I'm designing eight new skyboxes in the Sapphire Club next to the existing Krug Champagne room that we just completed.  After I was pleased with my selections for Sweet Springs (seriously, a big Thank You to the creator of Pinterest), I started my design journey through different themes.  The search tool of Pinterest makes this excruciatingly easy (another huge Thank You).


While I am physically exhausted from staring at images on my laptop all day (it's a tough life), I'm still inspired and need to start sketching.  That's usually when most of the beginning magic happens--when I'm sitting with a blank page and a pen in my hand (Le Pen in dark grey, Swan in light grey, and black Pilot, preferably... gotta have those layers when you sketch!).

We have eight rooms.  Eight opportunities for me to let my imagination run wild.  This sounds like every designers dream, right?  Right.  Low budget, small space:  make it work.  I need to accept that I will most likely not be there to monitor the rooms when they are being built, so I have to design with a certain ease.  Nothing complicated.  Keep it simple.  Easy enough, right?  Right.

Keep it simple.

Let's do this.

Special shout out to Steve Moffett of PBJ Productions.

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