Sunday, January 22, 2012


As a proud owner of the iPhone 4 (white, of course) since May 2011, and a strong believer in the things that Steve Jobs accomplished in his lifetime, I felt it sacrilegious to cover such great design with any sort of plastic cover.  I could never find one that I was satisfied with, and quickly gave up on any venture to buy a protective case for my beautiful, adorable, precious white iPhone.  My friends all have intense incase's that make the phone itself completely unrecognizable.  In fact, people would see my phone and ask what it was.  They're so used to seeing a huge massive piece of unattractive plastic surrounding their iPhone.

Cases weren't the only issues with me.  I figured I'd need at least SOME sort of protective in case I dare *gasp* drop my iPhone (the thought alone makes me cringe and want to cry).  The screen protector seemed like the only option suitable for my peculiar needs.  After all, if I dropped it, at least the screen wouldn't crack (or so I hoped).  After applying it to my screen I very quickly realized that it entirely changes the appearance of the crisp, perfect screen display of the iPhone.  It mattes down the glare and keeps the screen smudge-free, but adds a weird effect to the screen display itself.  I had it on for a couple months then peeled it off out of frustration after having a few drinks one night.  Smart move.

What I'm really here to say is...  All of the cases I've found cannot even begin to match up to the extraordinary design of the iPhone.  This, along with the fact that I am entirely indecisive when it comes to something I have to see everyday, is the reason I've been flying solo since May.  People call me crazy, insane, and ballsy, but I stand true.

All of these feelings changed when I was searching Pinterest one day and found  Where has this been all my life?  It's basically Threadless for iPhone cases.  Artists have prints that are easily converted into iPhone cases and skins, even T-shirts.  Brilliant.  Real designs and illustrations from real artists that are intriguing and not anywhere near generic.  The best part -- $35.

Here are some of my current favorites (it will take at least a month for me to choose one).

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