Tuesday, November 29, 2011


When I begin to design a space, after the plan is documented in a way in which I'm satisfied, I can start to think about the overall visual of the interior. Usually to begin this thought process, I take a few sketchy line snapshots in SketchUp with basically the bare minimums in terms of modeling (things I probably couldn't draw freehand easily). From this, I basically use it as a coloring book and import textures, pictures, and colors into certain areas until I'm pleased with the overall look.

This can take hours upon hours, even days upon days. But to begin any type of design process, I must do this first. I like to refer to it as "collaging" but I'm not sure real "collage-ists" would be too happy with that.

For instance, I made this "collage" in the first week of the project, after looking through multiple inspiring offices and spaces on sites such as Dezeen and ArchDaily. All I knew at this point was that I'd wanted interesting ways of representing private offices, with dark wood floors, glass, and a sort of white solid material (most likely gypsum, but also maybe textured).

Threw in the Paper Chandelier just for fun because, of course, I love it. Who wouldn't love a cartoon-y white chandelier? That's sooo Jaime Hayon. Duh!

From this I started exploring the specifics of the design. Are the solid walls all the way to the ground? Or do they have a glass partition under them? Do the heights of the offices differ? Can the lighting be integrated into the office structure? What could go above the offices?

I'll start exploring these as I build in SketchUp...

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