Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Beginnings

Here's what I've been doing today instead of working on full renderings... You have to start somewhere, right? I always need to start with rough sketchy perspectives with materials in and entertaining silhouettes (found these gems thanks to Google image search, yeayuh). Really puts me in the mood to continue with the design. They actually excite me... Weird, I know.

View of workstations... note the window treatment I hope to achieve.

View from inside an Accounting office, looking out. Lots of work to do for this one.

So far, I'm satisfied with the direction I'm moving. A mix of old existing warehouse with new white polished finishes (crown molding and doorways) and glass (textured in some instances). My favorite part of this whole process is to test out new textures on surfaces and see how it changes the overall appearance. So easy, yet so beneficial. Best of both worlds!

This also may be the first time I've ever used dark wood flooring. Gives a much needed richness to the space aside from existing brick and white surfaces.

Up next: Library.

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