Monday, April 2, 2012

Pause: Let's Go Back to the Start.

Making progress on the Cradle to Cradle house.  When I get to this stage, usually I start to freak out a little bit and lose track of my normal design process.  Where am I going with this? What was my original intention?  Why am I making this way more complicated than they need to be?  Exactly.

Here's a few notable images from my original "inspiration & concept" folder made the first day we got this project, approximately a month ago.

Open, industrial, and yet still connected with nature.

Shadows were an original conceptual idea.  I'm still working with how they play off each other and create graphics on walls.

Same idea here: the shadows of the structure can, depending on the time of day, create patterns and graphics throughout the space.

Nice cubby type sitting area, perfect for my courtyard.

Indoor green wall, illuminated with skylights. Umm, hellooo?

Just... Beautiful. I think this is in Japan...

Was going to work with this pattern and make screens out of it, allowing the light and shadows to play off each other to create the graphics on the interior.

This is just a summation of all the materials I want to use, basically.

So what have we learned from revisiting these images?  I want trees.  I want shadows.  I want shadow and light interactions.  I want the outdoors to not feel almost like the indoors.  And I especially want/wish we had a street tree tunnel of white trees like Japan.

All-in-all, it's coming together.  More updates in a few days, when I can manage to get some interior views together.  Sneak preview:

(end terrible, straight SketchUp style view)

Project due in: 5 weeks.

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