Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last of the Prelims

K. I think I have all of my perspectives set. The order I think should go in order of the journey through the space... Pretty self-explanatory.

1. Reception
2. Conference Room
3. Office Neighborhood
4. Workstations
5. Library

As well as these fully-rendered ("rendered") perspectives, I need to have a view of a single office by itself with all furniture + details put in. A key to show what I've used in regards to Priority and Villa. Same with the workstations, probably.

Diagrams to show circulation, travel, and different "neighborhoods" (what I'm calling them) of the space.


Conference Room. (slant ceiling is up-and-coming. I love it.) 

Reception. Never my favorite part of a project, but it should be.

Time to sketch overlays onto these preliminary views...